World’s End Circus – Mastermind Ringleader

English: World’s End Circus – Mastermind Ringleader

Attribute: DARK

Types: Fiend/Xyz/Effect

Rank: 3

ATK/DEF: 1600/2100

Card effect types: Summon, Trigger, Trigger, Condition

Author: Drakylon


English: 3 Level 3 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card using a Rank 3 DARK Xyz Monster you control as Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) You can only control 1 “Mastermind Ringleader”. If this card is Xyz Summoned: You can add up to 2 “World’s End Circus” cards from your Deck to your hand, and you cannot Summon monsters this turn, except “World’s End Circus” monsters, also, your opponent takes no Battle Damage this turn. If this card has a “World’s End Circus” Xyz Monster as Xyz Material, it gains this effect:
● Once per turn, during the End Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from a “World’s End Circus” Xyz Monster you control; banish an amount of cards from the top of both players’ Decks, face-down, equal to the amount of times a “World’s End Circus” monster(s) was Summoned this turn (excluding this card).